Creating positive "Candidate Experience"

In today’s market, measuring candidate experience is of utmost important. Positive experience of candidate results in successful hiring and retention. Research carried out by the Talent Board showed that people can change how they view your company depending on the recruiting experience. 33% of candidates with a negative experience said they would share this on social media, whereas 41% of the candidates with a poor experience said they were no longer interested in taking up employment with the company. Conversely, 78% of the candidates with a positive experience said they would refer someone to the company in the future.

What does “Candidate experience” mean?

The Candidate Experience is the collective result of all the interactions you have with candidates in the recruitment marketing and hiring process.

Candidate experience is also defined as how job seekers perceive and react to employers’ sourcing, recruiting, interviewing, hiring, and onboarding processes.

Key factors for positive candidate experience
  1. Respond to every application.
  2. Prepare for every interview.
  3. Never keep your candidate waiting.
  4. Spend at least 30 minutes with every candidate.
  5. Don't ask your candidate stupid questions.
  6. Provide every candidate with feedback.
  7. Flexible to their needs, not rigid
  8. No unpleasant surprises
  9. Listen to candidate
  10. Be Honest
  11. Create Wow experience to be everlasting
  12. Build relationship with candidate even if you don’t hire them

Effective recruiting Process:

In order to attract talent which is very crucial in competing world, recruitment process should be designed in a way which reflects the organization values and goals.  Candidates should feel fascinated about the opportunity provided which increases their interest and also can give referals to others.

The hiring process itself is a major factor in how candidates form their impressions of most companies. On the other hand, if a candidate has a good experience during your hiring process, then you can improve your “hiring brand”, making it easier to get good candidates who are excited about working with you.

Steps to be followed

  • Proper Detailed Job Description
  • Transparency with candidates about the process
  • Try to make the process easy
  • Respecting candidate’s time which they are investing in terms of researching about company, applying, preparation time etc.
  • Communicate timely and provide feedback at each stage
  • Get feedback from candidate after interview in form of survey which will help in improving the process.

How negative experience affects the business:

A negative candidate experience can have an unsuccessful effect on your recruiting process. Your unhappy candidates are more likely to reject your job offering, never again reapply for your job openings and encourage others not to apply

Unhappy candidates are also more likely to boycott your company’s products and even tell others not to purchase your products or services. Candidates who had a bad experience told others about it, either in person or posted reviews. In today’s world of social media, are you really willing to take that risk?

Advantages of positive candidate experience

  • Help in Branding of company as candidates might give reference to others about his experience
  • More Engaged Employees since joining helps in retention
  • Reduce Drop off
  • Creates positive impact on candidates which builds assertive approach towards organization
  • Improve candidate applying ration because of word of mouth
  • More number of referrals


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