Internal Job transfer Policy (IJP)

Internal Iob transfer Policy (IJP) means selecting a candidate for a particular job within an organization. It is a recruitment process for existing employees. The idea is to provide growth & development to the existing employees by recognizing internal employees instead of hiring externally. It cannot happen for many positions but yes for few positions organizations do practice to promote their brand and building trust of the employees.

Advantages of IJP

Existing employees have better understanding of company:
As the company decides to find a suitable candidate within the company, it makes things easier for that existing employee because he/she is already aware of all the working nature and background of the company.
And even the company can be advantageous because the company knows all the skills and ability of that particular existing employee.
And this decision of employing an existing employee through internal recruitment method is one of the important and intelligent decisions of that particular company.

Familiarity with working practices and routine
Most of the existing employees of the company experience some sort of comfortable working conditions in the company. And if that employee is put in different work post, the working condition may not differ much. Most of the existing employees of the company understand the working routines of the company and they feel comfortable in their current working conditions.

Career progression for existing employee
All the organizations practice career progression sessions for engaging an employee for long term. It is indeed vital to gain competitive advantage. In this set up, company identify the suitably of the skilled existing employee who is capable of handling that particular job.

It provides an employee job satisfaction and employee engages and can be retained for a longer period of time.

Time & Cost saving:
If the recruitment is done through internal employee, it will save huge recruitment cost and time spent by HR, manager and etc. However, it’s not the case where an internal employee just applies for a job and he/she can be given that opportunity. This is as tough as getting a new job. The individual has to discuss his/ her intention with reporting manager. After taking necessary consent employee should apply for IJP. The concerned reporting manager shall review and analyze availability of back up resources before giving consent to employee to apply for IJP. This is to ensure business continuity. After that the selection process starts which will include all the necessary assessments equivalent when hiring from external market.

Improves employee loyalty:
If the employee working in the company receives an offer from the company to take up the best position in that existing company, then it is quite understandable that particular employee would deliver and build unconditional respect and loyalty for the company. Therefore, when a company understands all the skill and abilities of that particular employee then only he/she will be selected for the position with better pay scale and this makes that employee loyal to the organization.

Disadvantages of IJP

Increases competition:
When an existing employee receives an offer from their own company to take up a different position in that same company, the existing employee might try to increase competition among the employees of the company. And this can eventually make things worse for the existing employee that he/she can face a difference of opinion or differences of thinking with his/her own fellow employees.

Limited growth opportunities:
Most of the company with the internal recruitment process can be aware of the fact that the candidate selected for the job might have limited growth opportunity as compare to getting a variety of job outside. If the candidate takes up the offer from other company, then there may be a huge variety of career growth in a different company.
Therefore, the existing employee needs to compromise with his/her career growth in the same company.

Lack of creative ideas:
The decision about hiring an employee from own company is not just risky for the employee, but unfortunately, it is too risky for the company as well.
And that is because when the company continues that same employee in the new and better position. There is a greater possibility that the employee might lack creative ideas. And continuing that same employee with a better position is not going to favor a company who is in need of generating new and improved creative ideas.

All the policies and practices will have some pros and cons but internal job transfer policy can be beneficial in many cases too. Therefore, it is equally important to assess the job requirement thoroughly and proper match with the employee skills and abilities is necessary.

IJP Process
Once department is willing to open an IJP, can start sharing the requirement with HR department to understand the available current skill set within the organization. If they agree to the point that there are chances of availability of such resources within the organization, then said position will be opened for IJP. HR Facilitator can advertise the requirement.

Existing employees will start applying for the said position. After the classification and reorganization of screened profiles interview process can start. Once the employee is selected, then his transition plan will take place with HR, current manager/Lead and new manager/lead.


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