Is on-floor / agile meeting helpful for bringing productivity in an organization?

I am working as an Assistant HR manager with an IT firm. I did observe that employees do talk internally across department but rarely discuss about the work going on currently or project progress or any cross functional training etc.

To bring such things forward, I have introduced on floor agile meeting on monthly basis. This is usually to be done in morning during tea time when everyone is starting their day. The agenda of meeting is to let various team know about each other e.g: Sales team can discuss on which kind of leads they are working and in future if such projects come to us what kind of expectations would be there from technical team and certain technology updates can be shared among all. Even team can discuss their latest project experience and learning’s so that it might help another department also in certain decision making. Also, Team lead or Project manager can highlight specific achievement related to work or any team member and give appreciation in front of everyone which will boost enthusiasm of team members.

Benefits from such meeting:

  • Management can know in detail exactly what each team is doing and its update 
  • Communication skills will be improved and stage fear will be reduced. Confidence level will rise definitely 
  • Each team will be somewhat aware of what is going on across organization 
  • Cross functional knowledge will also increase 
  • If manager is giving appreciation in front of all, team members will feel motivated and enthusiastic and will result in more productive environment 
  • There are most likely cases that environment will become more lively 

We are practicing this initiative since last 6 month’s and results are very positive. Many organizations are practicing this since time and many a times due to certain delieverables we may tend to discontinue but believe me it will not consume much time, it can be kept short & simple and will result in increasing productivity.


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